Sunday, May 27, 2012


Why me God?  This is a question that a lot of us have asked at one time or another.  Often it's a response to an unpleasant event.  An unwanted diagnosis.  A death.  A conflict in a relationship.  A problem at work.  A change.  I remember asking this question when we learned we were having quadruplets.  I remember asking it again when our son was diagnosed with autism.  Why me God? 

Often times, we ask why hoping to find an answer that justifies the circumstances we face. Hoping to make sense of it all. And if we can just find the key to why these things are happening, maybe we can stop them. Or change them. Or prevent them in the future.   But all this searching keeps the focus on self.  What have I done? What didn't I do?  

In the last few weeks, I have had wonderful opportunities to live out my passion; my dream.  I have spent time writing and planning upcoming speaking events.  I have spent time with other women where we have encouraged each other and shared our burdens.  I have been blessed and filled with gratitude by these opportunities.  But I find myself again asking, why me God?  Why, of all people, have You given me this gift of living out my dream?  There are more gifted writers and speakers.  There are more spiritually mature and loving women.  There are other women who have not made the mistakes I have made.  Why me God?   The answer, thankfully, does not depend on me, but on who God is.  You see, God loves to take ordinary women and do extraordinary things.  He chooses the weak, the broken, the uncertain, the timid.  He works through them so that everyone can see His power, love, and mercy.  So why me?  Why you?  Because He's God and He can.

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