Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Change can be hard.  I have several friends who are experiencing major changes in their lives.  And I'm not just talking menopause.  Some of the changes are filled with great anticipation.  Some are filled with incredible heart ache.  All of them have an element of uncertainty.  It's that uncertainty that is so unnerving.

We are anticipating a change at my house in the next three months.  My younger kids will be joining their big sister in high school.  I know that compared to other changes, this one may seem minor, but it brings a level anxiety for all of us.  For my younger children, it is the reality of going to school with 3,000 other kids.  And having to meet the requirements of teachers who are preparing them for college.  For my older daughter, it is the realization that she has only two years left before she begins a new chapter in her life.  (Plus, she likes not having her siblings in the same school; she tires of being known as 'the quad's big sister'.)  For me, it's knowing that I have just a few more years of active parenting before my children set out to begin their own lives.  And though I am very excited to see what God has in store for them, I know it will be hard to see them go.  They will soon be adults.  They will be making their own decisions and living their lives.  Will they be ready?  Will they continue to grow in their faith?  What will our relationship look like?  I don't know.  The uncertainty.

So I look to my friends who are dealing with change now.  There are days filled with tears and anger and frustration.  But mostly the days are spent leaning on God; trusting that He does in deed have a plan and that He goes with them at all times.  I know that change will come.  It is inevitable.  I know that there may be difficult times ahead.  But I know I will not be alone.  I will be walking with women who have gone before me.  Women who can help me see the pit falls and gain perspective when I am too near sighted.  Women who inspire me to fully trust God.  For these women, these friends, I am truly grateful.

1 comment:

  1. hard time relating to the wistfulness of kids nearer to the end of being under your constant direct care...not liking my kids much today...
