Sunday, May 13, 2012


I have chronic anemia.  It is something I have dealt with for many years.  I have tried adding a lot of iron rich foods to my diet, but they are not enough.  I need to take iron supplements.  The problem is that I am not good at taking them consistently, especially when I'm feeling good.  So I'll skip a few days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months.  At first, I don't really notice a change.  I may get tired more easily, but I have five kids, a husband, and a dog, who wouldn't get tired!  So I cope.  Then other changes occur: I get winded easily, I'm a little more irritable, I feel a little 'blue'.   I don't think about these changes being caused by my low iron until someone asks why I look so pale and tired.  And no woman wants to hear how tired she looks! 

I think we can become anemic in our walk with God.  It can happen in many ways.  Maybe we are disappointed, or neglect our relationship with God, or allow anger and bitterness to take root in our heart, or allow a sin to go unchecked.  Whatever the cause, soon we start having symptoms.  We are easily angered, we use sarcasm to hurt others, we begin to build walls around our hearts, we pull away, we doubt.  Before we know it, we are anemic. We are pale and tired.  We lack life and vitality.

So what do we do?  Often, we turn to the latest book or sermon series, a conference or retreat, or a vacation hoping to bring us back to life.  Those are all good things, but I'm learning that this calls for more than just a quick fix.  It calls for time.  Time with God and His word.  Time with others.  Time for healing.  How much time?  I don't know.  I'll let you know when I get there......

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