Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I heard two stories of bravery today.  One was of a teenage girl; the other a middle aged woman.  Both of them bravely decided not to settle.  They wanted more from their relationships.  They knew they deserved better.  So they let go of what they had, trusting for better.  That is bravery that I want to celebrate!  And it inspires me.

I think we so often settle.  We settle for what we see.  We settle for what we know, even if we don't really like it.  We settle because we don't want to make waves.  We don't want to be seen in a negative way.  We want to be liked.  We begin to settle so much in our lives that we lose sight of what we really want and need.  Soon we are living a life that is so much less than what we dreamed it could be.  But like these women, we too can be brave.  We can make those difficult decisions, have those difficult conversations, and make necessary changes.   We do not have to settle. 

Today, I choose to be brave.


  1. Great post! Glad to see you have joined the blogging world!

  2. I choose bravery as well. Thank you for sharing. I love it!

  3. Thank you both for the encouragement!
