Sunday, April 29, 2012

Letting Go

When do you know it's time to let go?  I watched as my second oldest daughter cleaned out her school binder.  She sorted her papers into two piles.  One to keep and one to throw away.  I asked her if she liked cleaning out her binder.  She said, "yes because I find stuff that I have been carrying around that I don't need and I can get rid of it." She is a smart girl. 

As I continue to unpack my dream, I'm finding things that don't work for me any more.  Thoughts, attitudes, and situations that at one time seemed to make sense or be beneficial, no longer work.  In fact, they cause trouble.  I should let them go.  But I find myself struggling.  Do I really need to let them go?  Should I figure out a way to make them work?  After all, I have carried some of them around for years.  It would be a shame to throw them out now..... My daughter, on the other hand, seemed to have no trouble throwing out the things she didn't need.  There was no struggle, no deep contemplation, no tears.  She simply threw them away and went on with her day.  The difference?  No emotional attachment.  Who she is and her value as a person are not wrapped up in her various notes and test scores found in her binder.  I, however, have become emotionally attached to my stuff.  I have allowed my stuff to become a part of me.  I have allowed it to become a permanent resident.  But, now I know I have a choice.

I can choose what I will allow in my life.  I can choose to let go of those things that don't work.  This has led to some tough decisions.  I know that not everyone will be happy with some of the choices I make.  They may question my motives.  They may question my reasoning.  They may even question my faith.  But I will not let that stop me.  It's time to let go....

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