Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm a fairly practical person.  I like activities that have a few simple directions with almost certain results.  That's why I use a recipe when I cook.  I want to know that if I add certain ingredients together, I will end up with a family pleasing meal.  (This of course, rarely happens with 7 family members no matter how good the recipe is!)  My husband on the other hand, can look in the pantry or refrigerator, throw seemingly random things together using his creativity, and please everyone at the table.  I wish I could do that, but that is not who I am so I just appreciate the gift and eat his delicious creations.  So for those of you who like some guidelines or starting points, I thought I'd share three things that helped me as I tried to dig up lost dreams, gifts, and talents.

1.  Get a journal.  Take some time and think about those things you used to do that brought you or others joy.  Write down all the things you can think of, even the little silly things.  I started with my childhood and worked my way through my young adult years. Then look for patterns or common themes. This helped me to rediscover who I really was at heart.

2.  Take a friend to lunch.  Tell her what you're doing and ask her for help.  Ask her what gifts and talents she sees in you.  I found that friends would see things in me that I would overlook or count as insignificant. They helped me see my gifts in a new light.  By the way, this is always a great time to remind your friend of those gifts you see in her and what she means to you.  Who doesn't need a good lunch with a healthy dose of encouragement?

3.  Start trying things.  Look for ways to use those gifts and talents.  Give yourself permission to try new things, even if it means you might fail or discover you don't like it.  Through this process I discovered that despite having many children, teaching them was not my gift.  Large groups of children in one room make me very nervous!  So try different things; explore your world. 

I'd like to say that if you do steps 1,2, & 3 that all will be revealed; you'll discover who you were meant to be and what you were meant to do.  Unfortunately life doesn't work that way.  Think of this as an adventure to be played out over time, enjoying it as it unfolds.  Happy digging!

1 comment:

  1. Mark's cousin's daughter's husband wrote a song called "the Journey Blesses Time"...It's not necessarily the Destination, but through the journey we are blessed. thanks for sharing again.
