Sunday, April 22, 2012


Do you want to be well?  I thought this question odd when Jesus asked it of a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. Of course, he wants to be well!  Who wants to be an invalid all those years?!  But I knew there was a reason He asked.

Years ago, I was confronted with a similar question.  I was seeing a therapist.  I had told her my story.  I told her of my hurts and brokenness.  I told her the effects my brokenness was having on my life.  I was sad, angry, and depressed.  After a few weeks, she confronted me.  If I wanted to continue my pity party and stay in my role as a victim, I didn't need to come back.  But, if I wanted to move from victim to survivor; she would see me the following week. Ouch!....  Did I really want to be well?  I thought I did, but maybe I didn't.  My hurt was such a part of me; it had become like a friend.  I was comfortable with it.  I knew what to expect from my hurt.  We had a certain pattern and rhythm together.  Who would I be without my hurt?  How would I function without it?  Did I really want to be well?  Was I willing to let go of what I knew, in order to have something different?   Would I put my fear aside and courageously reach for something better?

I showed up the next week ready to work.  It was scary.  It was tough.  But oh, was it worth it!   I still cry when I remember the day I went from victim to survivor.  Jesus knew what He was doing.  He asks us that question today.  Do you want to be well?  After all, He came so that He could bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners.  It may be scary.  It may have some challenges.  But incredible things happen when we answer yes.    

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