Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Contract

I have a contract with my family to write a book.  My oldest daughter wrote it.  When I was sharing my dream with her, she asked me what was stopping me.  I began to give her a list of excuses.  Fear of course was there, as were certain family obligations.  Somehow the tasks of laundry, dinner making, house cleaning, errand running, dog walking, and the like seemed far more important than pursuing a dream of writing.  My daughter was unwilling to accept my excuses and encouraged me to make my writing a priority.  (I told you she was going to change the world!)  Thus, the contract was written. 

It says in part: "we formally agree to support fully Karen in pursuing her dream of writing and publishing (a) book(s).  This includes moral support such as, but not limited to, encouragement of her abilities, what she is doing, and why she is doing it.....This also includes nonverbal support such as helping out around the house and letting her have time to write... By signing this, the subjects also agree that when it gets tough, we are her safety net and will gladly catch her and lift her back up....."  It was signed by all seven of us.

This contract is important to me.  It reminds me that my writing is not only important to me, but to my family.  It also helps remind me to make it a priority.  I have two writer friends who struggle with this as well. One has already published a bible study (God is in the Laundry Room) and the other has children's books in her heart and mind that are waiting to be written. Each one of has used excuses to put our dreams on hold or to put other things first.  Yet, I think the pursuit of a dream should be a priority. Our dreams bring joy and purpose to our lives.  And pursuing them teaches others to be brave and pursue their own dreams. 

I still have to do laundry, make dinner, clean the house, and the like, but I will no longer use them as excuses.  Besides, I don't want to have to explain to my family that I breached the contract.    


1 comment:

  1. I like where you're going with this! I am so glad we overlapped in Virginia. Your oldest daughter especially, is one very special girl. She's a lot like you! I wish we still lived close to each other. Great stories! I have a post-it on my computer that says, "write our story" which I will get to someday - I hope! Lots to tell, that I want my kids to know about. Our lives before they came along to change us forever, for the better. Happy writing!
