Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I had forgotten.  These were the words running through my mind as I drove home.  I had just had lunch with an old friend from law school.  (Yes, according to my kids I am old and so are my friends.  Sorry friends!)  We were reminiscing about our adventures in school; the professors, the other students, the time spent trying to relax, and our competition...

In each class, there would be an award given out to the student with the highest average in the class for the semester.  In our second and third years, we had several classes together and vowed to beat the other one to grab the award.  The competition was always very close. (I think I won the most awards, but who's counting?)  The thing is, until we were talking, I had forgotten about who I was at that time.  I had forgotten that I really put my heart and soul into something I wanted and had achieved my goal.  I had forgotten the gifts and talents that God had given me that allowed me to succeed in school.  I had forgotten that I really could put two or more coherent sentences together.  I had forgotten an important part of me.

I didn't mean to.  It just happened.  Life happened.  Five kids in twenty-one months, happened.  I think a lot of us forget who we are when life happens to us.  We get caught up in the mundane and necessary activities of life and can forget some of those gifts and talents we posses.  Or we minimize them to the point that we don't use them.  Or we are faced with a life altering situation so we set them aside.  There comes a time, though when it's important to dig up those forgotten gifts and talents.  They were meant to be used; for both our own benefit and for the benefit of others.

So, what gift or talent have you forgotten or abandoned?  What important part of you have you buried?  I tell you, now is the time to dig them up!

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