Sunday, June 10, 2012


I had lunch with a friend a few days ago.  She was telling me how she had begun taking piano lessons.  She had wanted to learn to play the piano for a while and was given the gift of lessons for her birthday.  Her entire face lit up as she began to tell me about her lessons and the song she was learning.  She became a giddy little girl right before my very eyes.  It was fantastic!  What caught my attention were her comments about how the joy and the richness of playing permeated other areas of her life.  The fulfillment she received while playing the piano overflowed, and brought her peace and satisfaction long after she had finished.  I found myself smiling and being filled with immeasurable joy as she shared her experience.  I can't help but smile every time I think about it!

It made me think about God's reaction when we follow our dreams.  I think it makes Him smile.  After all, He was the one who gave them to us.  And He knows better than anyone, even ourselves, the joy and satisfaction we receive when we pursue a dream.  When we follow our dreams, we become like little children who have discovered a hidden treasure; giddy with excitement.  I think He can't help but smile!  

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