Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Current

My family and I recently went to a large water park.  We spent two full days in the sun and water.  We had a wonderful time.  Some of the rides were thrilling.  We would start off with a sudden drop only to twist and turn and drop some more until we ended with a large splash at the bottom.  There was a lot of screaming involved. (Yes, I am a chicken, but I loved the rides!)  Some of the other rides were a bit more relaxing, like the lazy river.  For this ride, there were currents that would push us down the river.  There were a few rapids thrown in from time to time for a little excitement, but mostly we were to float and enjoy.  However, I found myself not enjoying.  I was getting caught in currents (we called them 'the vortex') that would keep me circling in one place for quite some time.  Often times, my traveling buddies would pass by unable to help.  So there I floated until I was bumped by another rider or a lifeguard helped me.   And once moving I paddled furiously to catch up to my friends.  It could get very frustrating.  And not very relaxing.

At one point, I looked back and saw my oldest daughter caught in the vortex.  I was struck by the look on her face.  She was stuck, but didn't seem all that concerned.  She knew that in time she would get out.  She also knew that sooner or later she would catch up to us or we would stop and wait for her.  She was enjoying the ride.  So while I struggled, she surrendered to the current.  While I wore myself out, she relaxed and went where the water took her; trusting that she would get to where she wanted to go. 

I so want to be like her as I walk this journey.  All too often, I struggle against where God is taking me.  I think I'm not moving fast enough or in the right direction.  I become troubled because others seem to be passing me by.  They seem to be making progress while I'm stuck in the same place unable to catch the current.  I become tired, worn out, grumpy, and unmerciful.  That is not who I want to be.  So, I'm learning to surrender to the current.  I'm allowing God to determine where I go and how fast I'll get there.  I'm learning to enjoy the ride.  

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