Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I am not super woman.  I am an ordinary woman who just happened to have five children in a very short period of time.  This feat was made possible by having four babies at once. (My husband and I believe in efficiency...)  I am amazed at the reactions I get when people find out about our family.  I hear things like, 'you must be a saint' or 'God knew who to give them to' or 'you must be mother of the year'.   It makes me smile and think, if only you realy knew me.  God did not choose me to have these children because I possess some great mothering gene.  He did not choose me because I had such great patience or capacity to love.  He chose me because He is God and He gets to decide such things.  His choosing had nothing to do with me, but everything to do with Him.

So often when God calls us to something we look at who we are; our gifts, our talents, our abilities, our life situations, our temperment.  Based on what we see, we determine whether or not we should pursue our calling. We look to see if we are up to the task.  We are looking at it from the wrong side.  It is not about who we are, but who God is.  None of us are fully prepared for what life throws our way.  But God knows us intimately and wants to show Himself through each of us if we will let Him; if we will trust Him.

I did not know how I was going to handle five kids.  I was not prepared, but God was.  He provided over one hundred people who helped us the first year.  He brought other moms in my life to teach me, encourage me, and support me.  He gave me Himself in such wonderful ways that brought peace, wisdom, and strength.  He will do the same for you.  He is an equal opportunity God.  He loves to take ordinary women and have them do extraordinary things. 

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