Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

I used to dread Father's Day.  When I was younger, kids would tease me about not having a father.  We lived in a small town where, at the time, no one else in my class had experienced divorce.  At the end of the school year when we made gifts for our dads, the kids would taunt me; telling me I had no one to give my gift to.  My heart was broken by the fact that I did have a father, he just chose not to have a relationship with me.  Thankfully, I did have a wonderful grandfather who always showered me with love and affection.  I was his only grandchild for many years and the only granddaughter for twenty.  To say that he spoiled me would be an understatement.  As much as I loved my grandfather and was blessed by his presence in my life, I always wondered what a real father looked like.  Now I know.

From the first moment my husband laid eyes on our first child, I knew a father was born.  He stood there just gazing and smiling at her for what seemed like hours.  He developed an evening routine with her before bed that included play time and a bath.  It was his time with her and it was sacred.  He continued the routine when the quads came along; it just became a little more challenging juggling all five.  I have watched him love each one of them for who God created them to be.  He disciplines them so they know what is right.  He talks to them about who God is and what He has done for us.  He has big expectations for our children because he knows what they are capable of doing, but is gracious and merciful if they fall short of the goal.  He is fiercely protective and creates a safe, loving environment for them to learn and grow.  He does make mistakes, but is strong enough to ask for forgiveness.  I am very thankful for him.

I have seen first hand the love of a father and the blessings it brings to a child.  Through my husband, I witness the sweet reflection of my Heavenly Father's love.  It brings healing to my broken heart and fills me with unspeakable joy.  I am truly blessed!

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