Friday, February 13, 2015

Is Jesus Enough?

We live in a world where bad things happen.  There's injury to the body and mind, wounds caused by others and ourselves, sickness, death.  With all of the bad, a question begs to be answered...'Is Jesus enough?' 

The question is asked by believer and non believer alike as we grasp for something firm to hold on to so as not to be swept away by the mud slide.  Is He enough to get me through this?  Is He enough as I battle cancer?  Is He enough as I deal with divorce?  Is He enough as I raise my children?  Is He enough as I mourn?  Is He enough as I face my own death?  Is He enough?

As I watched my mom in the last few hours of her life, I asked myself this question.  She had gotten to the point where she could probably still hear us, but was no longer responding to anyone's voice or presence.  I thought about my desire to be there as she died, not wanting her to be alone.  That's when God reminded me that she was never alone.  He was always with her.  He would be there at her passing and He would be there to usher her into Heaven because of what Jesus did on the cross.  Jesus had loved her and redeemed her.  Jesus had made her a daughter.  Jesus had given her access to the Father.  Jesus made it possible for her to spend eternity in heaven.  Jesus was enough for her.

And He continues to be enough for us.  He is there in the grieving, comforting and providing.  He is there in the struggles, offering wisdom and hope.  He is there in the battles, giving strength and perseverance.  He there in the relationships, offering restoration and healing.  He is in the midst of all that we face.  We are not alone.  Jesus is enough...


  1. This is beautiful. And he is enough. Always. And yet I always doubt. Always. And then I'm amazed when he fills my cup. Always.
    Thank you for sharing this piece of your heart.

    1. How easily we forget His goodness! I too am amazed by His faithfulness.
