Monday, February 16, 2015


I like watching What Not To Wear while I eat lunch.  I love how the hosts, Stacy and Clinton, help people realize the potential in themselves, to accept who and where they are in life, and to dress the body they have, not the body they wish they had.  It's fun to see not only the physical transformation, but the emotional one.  I've been struck by the number of women on the show who, when asked why they dress the way they do, say that they are trying to fly under the radar or blend into the background.  They feel invisible.

I know that feeling.  Those times when I've questioned whether anyone even knew I was in the room.  Or if any one would really miss me if I were gone.  That is a lonely, miserable place to be.

What I found was that as I accepted my invisible status, I withdrew and isolated.  I convinced myself that I really wasn't all that important and wouldn't be missed so I became detached and withdrew.  What's interesting is that as I withdrew, some of my friends saw that as a reflection of their invisibility.  They began to think that they lacked value and weren't missed.  So the cycle of isolation and invisibility spiraled until the loneliness filled our lives. 

The wonderful truth is that we are seen....always.  God is the God who sees.  He sees where we've been, where we are now, and where we will go.  And it's more than just our location.  He sees our heart.....our wounds, our fears, our failures, our joys, our triumphs, our everything.  He sees it all and loves us deeply.  We are not invisible; we are highly valued children of the Most High God....

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