Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

I went to a Veteran's Day program at my kids' school.  Truth be told, I only went because my daughter was singing in the choir.  What I experienced was a very moving tribute to our troops, past and present.

It started with a wonderful prayer led by the student body president, followed by the presenting of the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.  We then sang the Star Spangled Banner along with the choir and band.  I was already getting misty eyed.  Then the flag for each branch of the military was presented.  Veterans and active members of each branch were invited to stand by their respective flags.  We were then able to applaud them for their service.  It was moving to see each one walk to the front.  They each approached with a mixture of pride for their branch and humility for their service.  It was breathtaking to watch.  It brought me to tears. 

Then the speaker began.  She was a retired marine in her mid fifties.  She spoke of the pride that retired and active military members have for their service.  She said many of them wear hats to show when and where they served.  She also spoke of the struggles they encounter when coming home; injuries,  post traumatic stress disorder, joblessness and the like.  She encouraged us to look for veterans and take 2 seconds to say 5 words:  Thank you for your service.  She said those words could bring healing and encouragement.  By the time she was done speaking, we were all ready to start.

The program ended with the Junior ROTC offering a tribute to all our veterans.  At its end, I was doing everything I could not to go into my ugly, snot bubble cry.  It was beautiful and touching.  (And I am recommending Kleenex for next years program!)  I was overcome with gratitude for everyone who has served our country.  It humbles me to know that men and women are willing to sacrifice so much so that I can have the wonderful freedoms that I do living in this country.  So to all of you who have served, are serving, or are part of a military family:  Thank you for you service!

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