Friday, November 2, 2012


I like to be comfortable.  I like wearing comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes.  I like sitting in comfortable chairs wrapped in comfortable blankets.  I like comfortable situations and comfortable conversations.  I find being uncomfortable...uncomfortable.  The problem is that I'm not called to live a comfortable life.  I'm called to live a life of purpose and meaning which means embracing the uncomfortable.  And though I fully believe and feel passionate about living bravely and outside my comfort zone, I often revert to my comfortable ways.  It's an easy place to be; it feels safe and manageable.  The problem about living there is that I am left unsatisfied and unfulfilled.  Yet the pull to stay comfortable is very strong, both internally and externally.

Internally, I think, "Life is good.  Why rock the boat?"  Life seems manageable, under control.  (Or as under control as it can be in our household!)  There's enough activity and unexpected situations to give the illusion of living outside my comfort zone.  But it's not true.  And so after a while, I'm left feeling restless.

Externally, I am told that we all have and like our comfort zones. I take this as permission to stay in my zone.  After all, we all have one; it's normal.  Besides, I'm told, I should do things that feel good or come naturally to me.  I don't need to do things that would cause discomfort.  While I agree that it's good to use my natural gifts and talents, I think I use them as an excuse to justify staying in my comfort zone.  I talk about facing my fears and getting out of my zone, but too often I decide to stick with my zone and just dream of what it would be like to venture out.  But after a while, I'm left feeling restless and unfulfilled.

So how do I embrace the uncomfortable and make it a daily habit?  A lifestyle?  I so wish there was an easy answer!  But I'm learning that it takes time and practice...lots of practice.  The good thing is that God gives me a lot of opportunities.  Some days are great.  I embrace the uncomfortable and live bravely.  Some days I stay in my zone refusing to be moved.  (I generally don't like those days.)  I find that stepping out can be uncomfortable and I second guess myself, thinking I look foolish. I'm discovering, though, that the bad feelings I'm left with when I stay put are not worth the momentary comfort.  So here I go again.....

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