Monday, November 26, 2012


Following your dream is not easy.  I was recently talking with a friend who is pursuing her dream of full time ministry.  It requires her to go back to school.  She thought the process would be easier.  She thought she would enjoy her classes and would actually want to do her assignments.  She thought that if she followed the plan God set for her life, the journey would be easy.  Instead, the path is sometimes boring and a chore.  I can relate.

I, too, have believed that if I pursued my dream, that thing that God created me to do, it would be easy.  I thought I would enjoy all aspect of writing, that the words would flow easily and beautifully, and that I would wake up each day excited about my pursuit.  (I know some of you are laughing as you read this....It sounded much more realistic when it was only in my head!)  Instead, there are days when I don't want to research or write, the words don't flow, and are they anything but beautiful.  On those days, doubt can set in.  Doubt that this is really what God has called me to do. Doubt that I have the ability to do it.  Doubt that what I do has any meaning.   After all, if this was what I was made to do, it should be easy.  But that is a lie.  No one said, especially God, that life or pursuing a dream would be easy.  It takes work, effort, and perseverance.

So the choice before me and anyone else pursuing a dream is whether to believe the lie and quit, or recognize it for what it is and continue pressing on towards the goal.  I choose to press on....

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