Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Challenge Accepted

My response to fear: Challenge Accepted!  Earlier this year we told our kids that we would be going to a large water park for a vacation.  There was a catch, however.  We would have to leave very early in the morning.  I'm talking leave our house by five in the morning early.  Not an easy task with five teenagers who really like to sleep!   My oldest daughter looked us in the eyes and said, 'challenge accepted.'  Sure enough, they were up, packed, dressed, and waiting in the van by 5 a.m.  They were not about to let anything get in their way.

As a family, we have repeated this phrase many times.  Whenever an obstacle presents itself trying to hinder us from achieving a goal, someone says, 'challenge accepted'.   It's a great reminder to continue pushing toward the goal.  We rally together and get the job done.   So as this new year starts (yes, my years follow the school calendar) and I begin pushing forward again, I am prepared.  When fear says it can't happen, or things will never change, or you will be disappointed, or you're not good enough, or you can do that later, I have my answer.  Challenge Accepted!

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