Sunday, August 19, 2012

Comfort Zone

This past week has been filled with preparations for the new school year.  My four younger children are starting high school.  They have registered, signed up for classes, and purchased shirts with the school's name.  They even attended 'fish camp' for incoming freshmen.  The week left them excited and anxious.  One of my daughters commented that she was nervous about meeting new people and making new friends.  At school, she can be quiet and slow to join in with a group.  I told her that the new year was a good time for her to step out of her comfort zone.   She responded, 'they call it a comfort zone for a reason, mom...It's comfortable!'  We both laughed.

She and I can be very alike.  We like our comfort zone.  It's comfortable.  But I've noticed that I can miss out on wonderful things when I refuse to leave it.  I can also become satisfied with okay, instead of what is better or best.  I become satisfied with what I know, instead of pushing toward something new that would be better.   So my daughter and I have agreed to help each other step out of our comfort zones.  We are going to encourage each other to be bold and courageous.  We are not going to settle for okay....we are going for the best.

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