Sunday, August 12, 2012

Band Aids

How often do we try to use a band aid when something more is needed?  One evening my husband was cutting vegetables for dinner and cut his finger.  At first, he applied pressure to stop the bleeding.  It didn't help.  So he elevated his hand and wrapped a towel tightly around his finger.  The bleeding slowed so we tried to bandage it.  But the band aid was not enough.  As soon as he moved his finger, the wound would open up and start to bleed again.  He needed more.  So off we went to the minor emergency room where he received several stitches. 

Sometimes a band aid is just not enough for the wound presented.  Yet, I think we often try to put band aids on the emotional and spiritual wounds of people around us.  I call them the 'Jesus loves you band aids'.  They are the bible verses and Christian sayings that we tell people in order to make them feel better about difficult circumstances.  Think about it...  A man shares that his spouse has left him and he is devastated.  He is told to remember that Jesus loves him.  A couple shares that a child has died.  They are told, it's God's will.  A woman shares that she is overwhelmed by mothering small children.  She is told that God does not give her anymore than she can handle...  Jesus loves you band aids...  We hand them out to people hoping to cover their gaping wounds.  We do it  because we don't know what else to do or say.  Or because that's what's been handed to us.   But they are not enough.  More is needed.

So what is that more?  I wish I knew.  I think it's different for each person and set of circumstances.  I know for myself,  I just want someone to listen.  I don't want verses or sayings.  I don't want advice or steps to follow.  I don't want judgement or for my circumstances to be minimized.  I want someone to tenderly listen as I share what's on my heart.  And I want to experience love and compassion in response.   It seems easy enough.  So why do we hand out band aids instead?  Maybe because when we listen and enter into another person's pain, it gets messy.  It's not clear cut.  There's no quick and easy answer.  Most of us don't like messy.  We like clear cut.  We like quick and easy.  But I think God calls us to get messy.   He knows that band aids aren't enough; we need more....

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