Wednesday, July 4, 2012

16th Birthday

Today is my oldest daughter's 16th birthday.  She made her appearance three weeks early.  My husband and I were supposed to be at a Fourth of July party.  Instead, we were at the hospital.  I remember thinking, 'I'm not ready'.  I have since learned that you are never really ready to be a parent.  It is challenging.  But, oh so worth it. 

To celebrate, she and I are going to New York City.  It is a trip that she proposed.  (She created a power point presentation for my husband and I.)  She has planned the itinerary and mapped out our days.  She has helped to finance part of it through babysitting, pet sitting, and chores.  Needless to say, I am very proud of her.  She had a dream.  She told us about her dream.  And she began planning for her dream.  She had to face dream killers.  She faced fear and doubt.  Yet, she continued pursuing her dream.  Now, we are going to her dream destination to see her dream Broadway production.  I am in awe of her determination and hard work.  When I look at her, I can't help but think of the incredible work God has done, both in my life as a mom and hers as she grows up.  He is so good.

So as we watch the fireworks live in New York City, I will be overflowing with joy because I have been given the honor and privilege of having such a precious daughter.  She is truly a gift.

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