Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Behavior vs. Grace

As I was walking past a car full of young men, I heard them laughing and cursing.  I smiled and said hello.  One of them called out to me apologizing for their behavior.  He said, 'we didn't know there was a church lady here'.  I instantly thought of the church lady from Saturday Night Live....Is that how they envision church people?  Pursed lips and condemning?  Worried about making sure people behave?

I thought about his comment a lot.  You see, I'm concerned about how Christians are seen and how that impacts the impressions people have about God.  If all they see are people who are interested in behavior and sin management do they believe that's the most important thing to God?  Frequently, I'll hear people say that they'll go to church or check out God as soon as they 'clean up' their lives.  As if their good behavior is necessary for God to love them.  It breaks my heart.  God is the one we need to run to when we are dirty and messy.

So where does this come from?  I wonder if having been saved by grace, we live as if we are under the law and must behave well.  We become so focused on doing better and living right that behavior and sin management becomes the expression of our lives.  People see us toil and work to behave well.  People hear us talk about our behavior.  People hear us talk about other's behavior (usually in unflattering ways).  People begin to associate needing to behave well with God. 

How radical would it be if our focus was on God's grace, love, and heart transformation?  How would others experience us?  What would they think of God?  I don't know, but I think I'll give it a try.....


  1. I count on God's grace. It helps me to deal with the judgment of others about my behavior. Thanks for the reminder.
