Friday, February 21, 2014

This is not Goodbye

Since my children were born, I've known that God has a plan for their lives, an eternal purpose for each one of them.  A purpose to bring honor and glory to Him.   For this, He has gifted each one of them and given them each a passion for something.  (Even if they're unsure of what that is now.)  So in my season of preparing to let go of my children, I hold on to the knowledge that God loves each one of them deeply and that He has a great adventure prepared for them.  One where they will know Him more intimately and personally.  One where they will be salt and light pointing others to God.

I have rediscovered a song from the Sidewalk Prophets called This is not Goodbye from their Live Like That CD.  It's a beautiful song that speaks to this very idea of letting go so that someone you love can go be who God created them to be.  Enjoy...with Kleenex.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the uplidting reminder of God's love for us. I have never heard that song before but seems so fitting with what is going on with me today. You always seem to know when I need it - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
