Friday, February 21, 2014

This is not Goodbye

Since my children were born, I've known that God has a plan for their lives, an eternal purpose for each one of them.  A purpose to bring honor and glory to Him.   For this, He has gifted each one of them and given them each a passion for something.  (Even if they're unsure of what that is now.)  So in my season of preparing to let go of my children, I hold on to the knowledge that God loves each one of them deeply and that He has a great adventure prepared for them.  One where they will know Him more intimately and personally.  One where they will be salt and light pointing others to God.

I have rediscovered a song from the Sidewalk Prophets called This is not Goodbye from their Live Like That CD.  It's a beautiful song that speaks to this very idea of letting go so that someone you love can go be who God created them to be.  Enjoy...with Kleenex.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Being Seen

Lately, I've been watching What not to Wear while I eat lunch.  I enjoy watching how the hosts help the contributors realize their potential.  They help them to accept who and where they are in life and to dress the body they have, not the body they wish they had.  It's fun to see not only the physical transformation, but the emotional one as well. 

The contributors vary in age, gender, ethnicity, life experiences, family situations, employment, etc.  But I am struck by a recurring theme for many of the female contributors... wanting to be invisible and unknown.  They are so afraid of rejection or so used to it that they think being invisible is a better alternative.  So they either fade into the back ground or dress in a way to garner attention, but still remain anonymous.  How sad.  Yet, it's become a way of life for many women.  And it's a lonely place to be.  I know; I've been there.

Like most women, I long to be seen, to be known, and be loved.  Yet, my fear of rejection kept me from letting anyone see the real me for many years. I was so sure that if people really knew me, the good, the bad, and the ugly, that they would pull away or condemn.  So I hid.  I made sure I didn't stand out.  I tried to do the right things, say the right things, and be what others wanted me to be.  As I lived trying to be unknown, I found myself withdrawing and isolating.  I convinced myself that I didn't have real value.  I was sure that in the end no one would miss me.  Besides, how can you miss someone you don't really know?  But God...

But God stepped in and showed me the truth; God does see me.  He knows me fully.  It was He who created me; formed me in my mother's womb.  He knows the number of hairs on my head.  He knows the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows where I've been and what I've done.  And yet, get this, He loves me....deeply and unconditionally.  There's no need for me to shrink into the shadows and hide.  I am fully known and loved by God.  And so are you!  Let these truths settle in and take root in your heart.  Let yourself be seen.  Venture out and be who you were created to be.  And know your courage just might give others the boldness to step out of the shadows, too....


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Retreat

This past weekend I spoke at a woman's retreat in Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania.  We were at a spa resort which boasts eight natural springs purported to have healing qualities.   It was wonderful.  It reminded me why I so enjoy going to retreats.

As women, we spend a lot of time making sure we have on our armor and our masks.  We want to protect ourselves from hurt and present a 'put together woman' to the world.  Then we go to a retreat.  It's a time for each woman to step out of her life and take a breath. It's a time where we can lower the armor and the mask and be who we really are.  We get to practice vulnerability.

I'm always amazed at how worshipping, learning, and laughing together can allow women the freedom to share more freely what's really going on in their hearts and minds.  We all start out as 'fine' and sooner or later are willing to talk about those things with which we are struggling.  And as we lower our protective gear and share our hearts, others can come in to encourage and love us.  It's a beautiful thing to see!  Women listening to one another, crying with one another, celebrating with one another, praying with one another.  It's seeing God's love in action.  It's magnificent! 

The key for me is to keep practicing vulnerability after the retreat ends.  Satan is quick to whisper that I have taken off the mask and someone might see the real me.  His lies say that who I am is not good enough and the mask must be put back on.  This is where I must turn my focus on God and His truth.  I am good enough and valuable because I am His.  God reminds me that with my mask and armor on, I'm not able to receive the encouragement, love, and grace I need.  So I keep the mask off.  It can be scary.  Sometimes others don't like what they see.  But mostly, others are just relieved because they too are choosing to live without the mask.  What freedom!