Saturday, December 7, 2013

Someone Like Me

"You don't want someone like me."  My heart broke as he said those words because I knew that he truly believed them.

My kids and I had been walking down the streets inviting people to come to a Thanksgiving feast we were helping with when we met him.  He was surprised to see us and asked what we were doing there.  We told him and invited him to join the festivities.  He asked if we were from a church as he tried to hide his recently purchased beer and cigarettes in his jacket.  We told him yes, and invited him again to join us.  That's when he said those words that I couldn't get out of my head,  "You don't want someone like me." 

Someone like me....Someone who doesn't have it all together.  Someone who struggles with addiction.  Someone who struggles with negative self talk.  Someone who struggles with anger.  Someone who struggles with grief and sorrow.  Someone who has made a mess of things.  Someone who doesn't have anything to offer...  I have been that someone.  That someone I was sure no one wanted or would ever want.  And yet, that's exactly who Jesus came for.  He came for the lost and the broken, the sick and the lame, the hurt and the broken hearted, the "someones" of this world.  He came for me, and for you, and for him.....

 I saw tears in his eyes as I told him he was exactly who we wanted and that I'd be disappointed if he didn't come; I would miss him.  He hugged me tightly and said he would.  I wasn't sure, but I hoped.

He did come.  It was wonderful to talk to him and get to know him. He even used my cell phone to call others to come!  And he was one of the last leave. 

I'm not sure he fully comprehends how deeply God loves him as he is now; broken, addicted, and messy. And I understand; that's a big love to grasp.  My prayer and hope for him and for all of us "someones" is that we "grasp just how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and [that we] know (through experience) this love..." because there's nothing like knowing you are exactly who God wants (Ephesians 3:18-19).