Monday, September 23, 2013

My Rainbow Calendar

We have been in the same small city for three years now, yet my kids have not really found their places of belonging.  So all summer I kept encouraging them to get involved, try new things, join clubs, participate in youth group activities, and meet new people.  They listened.  So, as back to school closed in and the activities increased, I began to run out of room on our family calendar.  A new, bigger calendar was in order.

In an effort to save space and keep track of who had what activity, I assigned different colors for each child.  I eagerly began writing down the various activities and events.  There were cross-country and volleyball practices, games, and meets; various school club meetings; church meetings and activities; school registration events; orthodontist appointments; and babysitting, pet sitting, and house sitting.  As the calendar filled up, I had a beautifully colored masterpiece......and an anxiety attack!  Our relatively peaceful, not overly scheduled lives had become a rainbow of activity carefully plotted on the kitchen calendar. 

Instead of feeling organized and ready to face the year, I wanted to run!  An option my husband said was not going to work for him.  So I did the only thing I could think of doing.....I starting repeating 'Help me Jesus!  Help me Jesus!' over and over.  (It's the same phrase I say when I ride a roller coaster or Ferris wheel.)  As usual, He showed up to help!  No, He didn't give me a personal assistant (although that would have been awesome!) or give me more hours in the day.  Instead, He reminded me that He would be with me every step of the way, that He gave me a wonderful husband who is willing to dig in and help, and kids who have learned to offer me a lot of grace.

There are days when the sight of my rainbow calendar still overwhelms me; so I ask for help.  And some things have fallen through the cracks, like a missed guitar lesson; so I ask for grace.  Thankfully, I am given both....

1 comment:

  1. I just read your last 2 posts. J is a Senior-where did that time go? I laughed at the thought of your rainbow calendar and then I thought that rainbows ARE pretty! And a reminder from God! Did you get my e-mail this summer with a book suggestion? Miss you all. Love, Nat
