Monday, September 16, 2013

My Long Summer Break

In May, I decided to take some time off from writing.  I planned to take four to six weeks off so I could get through the crazy end of school tests and events.  But on the last day of school, it happened....My oldest daughter got in the van and said, "It's official; I'm a senior!"  My heart stopped.  Of course I knew she was going to be a senior and things would begin to change, but hearing it made it all too real.  Her words marked the beginning of a new season of parenting for me, preparing to launch my children.

I knew this day would come and as excited as I am about the adventures that lay ahead for her and her siblings, I'm also a little anxious about what the future holds.  For the last 18 years, I've been a mom.  Even a few nights ago at a school function, I was introduced as 'the mom with all the kids'.  Soon  my identity will no longer be tied so closely to my children.  I will return to being Karen.  Before that happens, I want to soak in the time I have left. 

So my short break turned into a much longer break.  This summer we played.  We went to a water park and the beach.  We played games.  We went swimming.  We toured colleges.  We watched movies and caught up on TV shows. We sat together and talked.  And we laughed a lot.  It was fabulous!  I stored up memories that I will always cherish.   Memories that make me smile and laugh out loud.  Memories that comfort me when I think of what's to come.  Memories I can share with their children some day.  Memories that make my heart full.  It was time well spent......

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