Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Signs of Spring

It's been a very long, cold, bitter winter.  I have friends and family in the North who are tired and weary of the cold, the snow, the shoveling, the ice, and the cancelled school days.  Even here in the South our winter has been colder and longer than usual.  So I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see the first signs of Spring; the tiny buds on our trees and bushes indicating new life.  How I have been longing to see them come!

That same longing occurs when I endure a long, difficult season in my personal life.  A season that keeps dumping more and more on my already overwhelmed circumstances.  A season that sometimes leaves me feeling trapped, keeping me indoors, isolated from others, and unable to freely move about. A season that seems to never end.  I get tired and weary, wondering if I can really make it through another storm.  I long for a new season, new life.  And then it comes...the first signs of Spring.  A day with laughter after the loss of a loved one.  A day at school without a tantrum for your child with Autism.  A peaceful, loving conversation with your teenager who seems to be angry all the time.  A call for a second interview after months of looking for a job.

Signs of Spring.  We need them.  We long for them.  They help us persevere.  They are reminders that this season will end.....

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