Monday, January 21, 2013


We have a dog named Princess.  She is a 74 pound doberman/hound mix.  A local vet found her at a park, nursed her back to health and put her up for adoption.  We've had her now for almost ten years.  She is physically strong, loyal, and very strong-willed and stubborn.  Upon meeting her for the first time, her experienced dog trainer said, "Oh my, she is strong-willed.  This will be challenging." 

Princess' stubbornness was in full force this past week when she had four teeth pulled. (It's hard getting old even when you're a dog!)  She was still heavily medicated when we picked her up from the vet so we carried her into the house and took her to her pillow expecting her to lie down.  She refused.  She just stood there.  After a few seconds, her back legs gave way and she fell onto the floor.  We thought that she would just stay down, realizing that standing was not a good plan.  But, no, not her.  She gathered herself together and stood again.  A few seconds later, she fell.   She gathered herself and, yes, stood again.  She repeated this cycle a couple of more times.  We finally just put her on her pillow, made her sit, and then made her lie down.  To keep her down, the kids took turns sitting next to her with a hand on her back reminding her to stay put.

As I watched our dog repeat this cycle of standing, falling, and standing again, I couldn't help but laugh at her stubborn determination.  She was bound and determined to stand even though lying down was best for her.  It made me think of myself.  I can be very stubborn and strong-willed; sometimes to my own detriment, just like Princess.  I dig in my heels and refuse to do or refrain from doing what is best for me.  I must look as silly as Princess; repeating behavior that doesn't work yet hoping that the results will change.  I'm sure there are times when God shakes his head and chuckles as he waits for me to put aside my stubborn attitude.  My hope is the next time my stubbornness rears it's head, I'll think of Princess and just lie down....


  1. Karen,
    I am so glad I found your blog. I really enjoyed staying connected with you and your family by reading it. Loved the Christmas card and photos, what a beautiful family filled with love!
    Hope to see you this Friday in Liberty!
    Love you,

  2. Natalie,
    Thanks for reading! I think of you when i look at the picture from the kids' early days! We wouldn't have made it without your help. You, Dana, and all the volunteers kept us going! See you Friday.
    Love, Karen
