Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Mighty Works of God

We went to a Matthew West concert a few nights ago.  It was great.  He not only sang songs, but told the stories behind the songs.   

One was of a young man with cerebral palsy.  The young man related his disability to that of a blind man found in the bible. The account is found in the ninth chapter of John where Jesus' disciples asked Him whose sin caused the man to be blind.  Jesus replied, "It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him."  That's when my son with autism leaned over and said, "That's just like me."  It was all I could do to squeak out an 'uhuh' through the lump in my throat. 

As tears stung my eyes, I thought of the truth of that statement.  My son is well aware that he has autism.  He knows that it somehow makes him different, even if he doesn't fully understand how. He knows that God made him that way for a purpose.  He knows that God has a plan for him.   He knows God will use him.   What he may not know is how God has already used him to show me faith in action. 

I have seen child like faith as my son prays, fully expecting God to work on his behalf.  I have seen boldness in declaring the gospel as my son tells others about Jesus.  I have seen compassion at work as he holds the hand of a young child who is nervous on the first day of bible school.  I have seen persistence as he tries to learn a new skill.  I have seen growth and development where experts told us not to expect any.  I have seen the mighty works of God displayed in him...